Resources for Freelancers
Resources for Freelancers
In collaboration with NTUC’s Freelancers and Self-Employed Unit (U FSE), here are some resources curated for freelancers and the self-employed.
27 July 2023 - NTUC Freelancer Fair 2023: Slaying the Gig Economy!
The Business Fundamentals Toolkit for Freelancers aims to provide basic guidance to the freelancers as they set off on their entrepreneurial journey.
Template for Key Terms of Engagement for Self Employed Persons: The MOM has developed a form template for SEPs on the key terms of engagement, in accordance with the Tripartite Standard on Contracting with SEPs (TS SEPs).
Providing services for Government agencies? Here is a simplified toolkit to Debunk the Myths of Government Procurement Practices
Discover the key highlights from the U FSE Freelancer Fair 2022: Ready for the Future Economy!