100 Seminal Books on Social Service Services for Children and Youth General
Guide Index
Social service agencies provide vital support for children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds so that they have better access to basic health care, learning and developmental opportunities in their critical early years. The programmes and activities offered are designed to help them to develop their personal, social, and life skills to build their self-confidence and maximise their potential.
The 42 titles in this resource guide are listed alphabetically and cover various aspects of social services for children and youth which are aimed at ensuring that their physical and emotional needs are well looked after. Books that are unavailable at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library and NLB’s public libraries have been denoted as such. To explore other areas of social services for children and youth, please go to 100 Seminal Books: Social Services.
(listed in alphabetical order)
8 keys to end bullying: Strategies for parents and schools</b</a>
by Signe Whitson
Call No.: 302.343 WHI
Through the eight strategies outlined, educators, professionals and parents will learn tools needed to help their young charges to tackle bullying, whether in real life or in the virtual world. Recommended techniques include establishing meaningful connections with children, creating a positive school climate and empowering bystanders.
All rights reserved, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014.
This title is also available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
A parent’s guide to building resilience in children and teens: Giving your child roots and wings
by Kenneth R. Ginsburg
Call No.: 155.4 GIN
Learn a variety of approaches to help kids deal with stress from this handbook. These include building on one’s natural talents, keeping an optimistic outlook, avoiding risky behaviours and looking after one’s physical and emotional needs. The author emphasises strengthening resilience and proposes a plan to help kids between 18 months and 18 years of age.
All rights reserved, United States: American Academy Of Pediatrics, 2011.
An introduction to counselling
by John McLeod
Call No.: 361.06 MAC
McLeod provides an overview of the theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy. He covers the core approaches to counselling and explains in detail a variety of counselling techniques, ranging from narrative and systemic therapy to Internet and solution-focused approaches.
All rights reserved, Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press/McGraw Hill, 2009.
This title is also available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Brainstorm: The power and purpose of the teenage brain
by Daniel J. Siegel
Call No.: 155.5 SIE
Siegel shows how understanding the neurological changes in the brain which affect teenagers’ behaviour and relationships can help parents to support their children through the tumultuous developmental period between the ages of 12 and 24..
All rights reserved, New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2015.
This title is also available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Building bridges with your teenagers: Keys to effective parenting and communication
by Alice Lee
Call No.: SING 649.125 LEE
This slim volume provides advice for parents, teachers and caregivers on effective communication with teenagers and building a close and nurturing relationship with them. It includes real life accounts of bringing up teenagers from the perspectives of the author, a family counsellor and other parents.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Armour Publishing, 2007.
Child and adolescent social work journal
(Not available in NLB libraries)
This is a bi-monthly journal which addresses issues in social work practice with children, adolescents and their families. It includes scholarly contributions focused on youth, historical analyses, descriptive studies, narrative case studies, experimental evaluations and reviews of literature.
New York: Springer US, 2018.
Children, young people and care
by John Hortan and Michelle Pyer
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Gain insights from this compilation of research articles which focuses on the care of children and young people as well as the role of parents, caregivers and social workers in shaping the lives and wellbeing of young people. Young people assuming the responsibility as young carers and spaces of care for young people such as orphanages, schools and foster homes are also examined within this context.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2017.
Coaching excellence
by Frank Pyke
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Gain tips from eighteen experts who offer sound advice which coaches can adopt with teams and individual athletes. Areas covered include roles and responsibilities of a coach, training plans and methods as well as applications of sport sciences to enhance the skills of athletes of all ages.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Counselling in schools: Theories, processes and techniques
by Esther Tan
Call No.: SING 371.4 COU
A clear and structured text on school counselling targeted for teacher counsellors and professionals working with children and youth in Singapore. Issues discussed cover common psychological disorders which students may suffer from, practical aspects of counselling and research methodologies.
All rights reserved, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Early prevention of adult antisocial behavior
by David P. Farrington and Jeremy W. Coid
Call No.: R 364.4 EAR
Early intervention programmes are key to the prevention of adult anti-social behaviour, adult crime and anti-social personality disorder. This book discusses primary prevention at a community level, secondary prevention targeting persons of high risk and details prevention programmes for implementation during pregnancy and in schools.
All rights reserved, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
This title is also available as an ebook on Proquest Ebook Central. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
by Deborah Lipsky
Call No.: 616.85882 LIP
In this useful publication, Lipsky explains how autistic people think and lists the differences between meltdowns and tantrums, details how they start and how to identify and forestall outbursts from taking place. She further offers practical solutions to avoid feelings of anxiety from building up and bubbling over.
All rights reserved, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
This title is also available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Game for life: A guide to developing character & leadership through sport
by Sport Singapore
Call No.: RSING 796.07105957 GAM
This toolkit produced by the Singapore Sports Council equips coaches with the framework and action plans to develop character and leadership through sport. It features real-life stories from well-known local sports personalities to further illustrate character building through sports.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Singapore Sports Council, 2013.
Girls uninterrupted: Steps for building stronger girls in a challenging world
by Tanith Carey
Call No.: 649.133 CAR
This volume provides a quick read on issues faced by girls and women in today’s society where looks are prized above brains and where the female self-esteem is constantly under attack by the media.
All rights reserved, London: Icon Books, 2015.
This title is available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Groups, troops, clubs and classrooms: The essential handbook for working with youth
by Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Written for teachers, coaches, volunteers and youth workers, this book offers practical advice on how to connect meaningfully with young people and details strategies to bring out their strengths and talents for self-empowerment.
Minneapolis: Search Institute Press, 2014.
by David L. Dubois and Michael J. Karcher
Call No.: 362.716 HAN
This title brings together contributions by researchers and experts in the field of youth mentoring. Some areas covered include developmental issues in mentoring, social class, electronic mentoring, mental health problems and special needs.
All rights reserved, Los Angeles: SAGE, 2014.
Healthy anger: How to help children and teens manage their anger
by Bernard Golden
Golden, an experienced psychologist and teacher, offers in-depth insights and practical strategies to help children and teens turn destructive rage into constructive action. Parents, teachers and counselors are guided on how to cope with outbursts, identify causes of anger and better understand the needs, expectations and emotions of children and teens.
All rights reserved, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
This title is available as an ebook on ProQuest Ebook Central. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Global youth? Hybrid identities, plural worlds
by Pam Nilan and Carles Feixa
Call No.: R 305.235090511 GLO
This collection of studies by an international group of youth researchers examines the diverse youth cultures, practices and identities around the globe with perspectives from both the English- and non-English-speaking world.
All rights reserved, New York: Routledge, 2006.
How to talk so kids can learn at home and in school
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Call No.: AV 371.10230973 FAB
Written by parenting experts, this audiobook presents unique communication strategies which focus on how adults can motivate and inspire children to be independent and self-disciplined learners.
All rights reserved, New York: Simon & Schuster Audio, 1995.
How to talk so teens will listen and listen so teens will talk
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Call No.: 306.874 FAB
An invaluable guide for parents and teens on surviving the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. The writers look at issues faced by teenagers and their parents and offer practical suggestions on how to build a strong and close parent-teen relationship.
All rights reserved, New York: Collins, 2005.
This title is also available as an ebook on Overdrive. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Life story books for adopted and fostered children: A family friendly approach
by Joy Rees
(Not available in NLB libraries)
This refreshing and common-sense guide aims to provide a detailed chronological account of a child’s life. Social workers, adoptive parents and foster care-givers will gain insights to reinforce the child’s sense of belonging and security.
London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
by Daniel Fung, Wong Zi Jun and Koh Hui Li
Call No.: RSING 155.41247 FUN
Written by three authors with psychology degrees, this slim paperback aims to help parents to identify the cause of anger in their children and suggests techniques they can use to manage their children’s anger in a safe and healthy manner.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2016.
by Parvathy Pathy, Fiona Tan and Shyon Loo
Call No.: SING 649.64 PAT
Authored by a senior consultant psychiatrist and two senior clinical psychologists, this book gives practical advice on how to deal with children’s temper tantrums and suggests effective discipline approaches to manage children who misbehave.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2015.
New families, old scripts: A guide to the language of trauma and attachment in adoptive families
by Caroline Archer and Christine Gordon
This book provides an overview of the issues faced by adopted children and their families and provides practical guidance and intervention. The authors also explain the relationship between trauma, attachment and development.
All rights reserved, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006.
This title is available as an ebook on ProQuest Ebook Central. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
Odd girl out: The hidden culture of aggression in girls
by Rachel Simmons
Call No.: Y 302.5408342 SIM
This book highlights the hidden issue of aggression and bullying among girls with perspectives from both the bullies and the victims. The author ends the book with advice for how parents can help their daughters who find themselves placed in these situations.
All rights reserved, Boston: Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
Promoting resilience: Supporting children and young people who are in care, adopted or in need
by Robbie Gilligan
Written as a guide to help children and young people who are in the foster care system as well as social workers, the stories in this book promote the importance of instilling confidence and self-esteem to build up resilience in children under care.
All rights reserved, London: CoramBAAF, 2009.
This title is available as an ebook on ProQuest Ebook Central. myLibrary ID is required to access this ebook.
by Maggie Lai
Call No.: RSING 373.246095957 LAI
Written by ITE students, the stories reveal their dreams and aspirations, as well as their pain and struggles of having been unfairly labelled in a paper-chase society like Singapore. Through this book, the author shares that every teen is a precious diamond born to shine.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Write Editions, 2015.
Relationship counselling for children, young people and families
by Kathryn Geldard and David Geldard
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Using the authors’ own integrative counselling approach, the book provides an introductory overview for less experienced counsellors in family and relationship counselling and serves as a useful resource on methods for communicating with children and young people.
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, 2008.
Resiliency: An integrated approach to practice, policy and research
by Roberta R Greene
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Read more on a practical framework which promotes resilience-based practice in a variety of settings. Social work practitioners will also learn about targeted intervention strategies to help clients draw upon their strengths to adapt to changing environments.
Washington D.C.: National Association of Social Workers, 2012.
Risk and resilience in childhood: An ecological perspective
by Mark W Fraser
Call No.: R 362.74 RIS
Fraser examines the risk factors of specific social problems and disorders in childhood such as drug abuse, school failure, teenage pregnancy and delinquency. Also included are proposed interventions which can be tailored to different races, ethnicities and genders.
All rights reserved, Washington D.C.: National Association of Social Workers, 2004.
Social capital, children and young people: Implications for practice, policy and research
by Julie Allan and Ralph Catts
(Not available in NLB libraries)
This collection of essays reflect on the development and use of social capital by children and young people in formal and informal settings, with discussions surrounding issues such as social mobility, inclusion and equality.
Bristol: Policy Press, 2012.
Social work practice with children
by Nancy Boyd Webb
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Using case examples and research-based strategies, this book provides a practicable framework for social work practice involving children affected by poverty, divorce, parental substance abuse and other disadvantaged backgrounds.
New York: The Guilford Press, 2011.
by Andrew Matthews and Julie Matthews
Call No.: 302.343 MAT
This easy-to-read volume considers the complex issue of bullying and offers clear strategies on how to manage and counteract bullying at home, school and in cyberspace.
All rights reserved, Trinity beach, Queensland: Seashell Publishers, 2011.
Successful coaching
by Rainer Martens
(Not available in NLB libraries)
A coach, a lifelong competitive athlete and a renowned sports psychologist, Marten has written an insightful book suited for both new and veteran coaches. It covers the principles and knowledge to help coaches be more effective instructors, to be better communicators and to apply sports science research to help athletes improve their performance.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2012.
Teaching character through sport: Developing a positive coaching legacy
by Bruce Brown
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Based over 30 years of experience in teaching and coaching at high school and college levels, the author shares how coaches can create a laudable sporting culture where young athletes develop positive character attributes and build team spirit in the sporting arena.
Monterey, CA: Coaches Choice, 2003.
The 5 love languages of teenagers: The secret to loving teens effectively
by Gary Chapman
Call No.: 649.125 CHA
Chapman opens a window into the teenage world and offers useful strategies for parents to communicate their love, support and care for their teenage children. The book further provides practical tips on establishing boundaries and enforcing disciplinary measures.
All rights reserved, Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2010.
The compassionate mind: A new approach to life’s challenges
by Paul Gilbert
Call No.: 152.4 GIL
This scientific book delves into evolutionary psychology and explains the neurology and chemistry of the brain, while advocating mindfulness and compassion in helping individuals to deal with emotional issues such as depression, anxiety and anger.
All rights reserved, London: Constable, 2009.
The social worker’s guide to child and adolescent mental health
by Steven Walker
(Not available in NLB libraries)
A comprehensive and useful guide for new and experienced social work practitioners who work with children, adolescents and their families. Divided into three parts, the book covers the role of social work in child and adolescent mental health, the application of skills in working with young mental health patients and the context of legislative and policy frameworks.
London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011.
Understand youth: Perspectives, identities and practices
by Mary Jane Kehily
(Not available in NLB libraries)
A comprehensive overview of youths in today’s society segmented under three different perspectives of the youth community and discusses issues of self and identity as well as explores the daily lives and routines of young people.
Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE, 2007.
Values and lifestyles of young Singaporeans
by Chew Soon Beng, Mike Leu Gwo Jiun and Tan Kim Heng
Call No.: SING 305.23095957 CHE
Read about the findings of over 1,400 students from junior colleges, the Institute of Technical Education and the Nanyang Technological University who were surveyed between 1995 and 1996.Understand their belief systems as Singaporean youths, levels of satisfaction with family love, health, friendship and money, leisure activities and exposure to newspapers and television.
All rights reserved, Singapore: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Winning without winning
by Gerry Crowly
(Not available in NLB libraries)
From this book, parents and coaches can learn how to incorporate skill and character development to win a game, while making sport a fun and rewarding experience for children of different ages and varying skill levels.
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2010.
With children and youth: Emerging theories and practices in child and youth care work
by Kiaras Gharabaghi, Hans A. Skott-Myhre and Mark Krueger
(Not available in NLB libraries)
Written by renowned scholars and researchers, the essays present new perspectives on the purpose of child and youth care practice across North America. Topics discussed include the professionalisation and accreditation of child and youth care practice and opportunities for innovation and change involving engagement across generations, cultures and social mores.
Waterloo, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013.
Youth.sg: The state of youth in Singapore 2010
by Ho Kong Chong, Irene Y.H. Ng, Ho Keng Weng and Nazira Abdul Hamid
Call No.: SING 305.235095957 YOU
A set of findings from the National Youth Council’s 2010 National Youth Survey covering over 1,200 youths in Singapore aged between 15 and 34. The survey results reveal their perspectives towards the concept of happiness, education, Singapore’s future development and family ties.
All rights reserved, Singapore: National Youth Council, 2010.
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Sharon Teng
The information in this resource guide is valid as of September 2018 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history on the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.
All Rights Reserved. National Library Board Singapore 2018.